Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll

Primary Investigator

Khadija is the artist and researcher who designed the Repatriates project and received the ERC grant to create it. In its conception she draws on her experience of accompanying the return of artefacts from museums to communities of origin. As an activist for indigenous knowledge and decolonial movements she has applied her practise as a writer and filmmaker in long term artistic-research projects. Using the format of art commissions, residencies and fellowships she has experimented with creating collaborative platforms within museums, botanic gardens, art galleries, theatres and other site specific and non institutional venues. In 2016 she moved from working as an artist on an ERC project about immigration at the Law Faculty of Oxford University to become Professor and Chair of Global Art at the University of Birmingham. Since 2022 she is also Professor of History at the Central European University Vienna. Her films and installations have been shown internationally including at the Venice, Marrakech, and Sharjah Biennales, ZKM, Manifesta, Taxispalais, Extracity, HKW, Royal Museums Greenwich, Savvy, LUX, Chisenhale, SPACE, Project Art Centre Gallery Dublin, St Kilda, Melbourne, and the Casablanca Film Festival. She is the author of the books Art in the Time of Colony (2014); The Importance of Being Anachronistic (2016), Botanical Drift: Protagonists of the Invasive Herbarium (2017); Mit Fremden Federn: El Penacho und die Frage der Restitution (2022); The Contested Crown: Repatriation Politics between Mexico and Europe (2022) and Tuapia, Captain Cook and the voyage of the Endeavour: A material history (2023). She is the co-author of Bordered Lives: Immigration Detention Archive (2020) and co-editor of Third Text journal.

Previous projects are documented on her personal website:
