Maria Caley is a lecturer at the University of Namibia, who specializes in Textiles and Fashion Design in the Department of Humanities and Arts. Her undergraduate work included Fashion and Textiles which both covered an intensive amount of studio work; where she created fashion and textiles work of high quality with a signature style still in use to date. Her work has been showcased in Australia, Angola, Cuba, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa and the United States of America. Her creative and academic work strives toward changing the narrative and creating textiles and fashion that reflects the Namibian culture in the hope of creating a Namibian identity. Caley’s research interest is in fashion created out of Africa, the formations and transformations of African fashion. Her current research works engages and explores the achives both public and private. Caley is currently involved with the Museums Association of Namibia, which has spearheaded and facilitated the making of Museum of Namibian Fashion.