Iyagbon’s Mirror

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Iyagbon Mirror teaser 2021 by Khadija from Repatriates on Vimeo.

In 2020 Mwazulu Diyabanza of the Yanka Nku Panafrican movement demonstratively entered a series of museums in France and Belgium and stole back African art works declaring they had been looted in the first place. This act of counter appropriation sent a wave of responses from legal to artistic around Europe. One of these was orchestrated by Samson Ogiamien and the Onyrikon theater, entitled Iyagbon’s Mirror. There is a twist to the story in that the Iyagbon’s Mask, which is broken free, is a sculpture that then becomes part of a ritual; whereas in the world of repatriation it is ritual masks and other objects that became art works in the museum.

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