Radio Talk & Video Screening
with Verena Melgarejo Weinandt & Suza Husse
This Radio Talk and Video Screening is part of the final program of WHEN THE JACKAL LEAVES THE SUN: Decentering Restitution | Pedagogies of Repossession. Chapter: Tectonic bones radio. Tonight there are ancestors on every channel
WHEN THE JACKAL LEAVES THE SUN is a decolonial feminist infrastructure for memory politics, art and transformative justice connecting Nairobi, Windhoek, Kigali, Dresden, Dar Es Salam, Dakar, Sinne Saloum, Jaol-Fadiouth, Cape Town and Berlin.
Initiated by Anguezomo Mba Bikoro, Jennifer Kamau, Memory Biwa, Michael Bader, Rehema Chachage, Reneé Akitelek Mboya and Suza Husse. In collaboration with District*School Without Center, International Women* Space, Nyabinghi Lab, SOMA, Wali Chafu Collective
Presenting a challenge to dominant institutional discourses of repair, When the Jackal leaves the Sun brings together artists, activists, curators, lawyers, and cultural practitioners to create interventions and pedagogical tools that currently come to life throughout 6 Chapters. Grounded in radical Black, queer and feminist positions, When The Jackal Leaves The Sun creates an independent and transterritorial infrastructure and platform for artistic and transdisciplinary collaborations on memory, cultural and educational work from summer 2022 to summer 2024 in Nairobi, Windhoek, Cape Town, Kigali, Dresden, Dar Es Salam, Dakar, Sinne Saloum, Jaol-Fadiouth, Berlin and online.
When the Jackal leaves the Sun connects an intersectional spectrum of artists, curators, activists, lawyers, cultural practitioners and collectives to develop an account of Pedagogies of Repossession. Through co-developing and facilitating a process toward Pedagogies of Repossession, When the Jackal leaves the Sun seeks to disrupt and counter persistent colonial violence through artistic and political means, fostering memory, cultural education, and spiritual healing.
See program: